Solution description

Profilometric road scanning
Road quality assessment: IRI

Online detection: rut, cracks detection horizontal, vertical...
New roads scans to maps

Quality control for roads
Scan before and after road repair

Database for data storage

Hardware components

Hardware configuration
Camera system for image capture of the scanned road
Laser scanner with high precision in infrared field

Industrial mobile server
GPS antenna



Return of investment

Planning and optimalization of the road repairs – 20 to 30% savings from the costs of repairs
Control after repairs and control before the end of warranty – 5 to 20% savings from the costs of repairs

Additional savings based on systematic long term scanning of deformation and prediction of new road defects
Usage of georadar for control of road layers

Design of systematic repairs of roads instead of ineffective repeated useless repairs – savings from the costs of repairs 5-10%
Long term usage of RoadScanner brings total 30-50% of savings of repair costs

Return of investment in 6 to 12 months