About us

Company profile

Kvant spol. s r. o. established in 1995. During its existence it has achieved significant successes in the development and production of its own products, has won several awards at exhibitions and nowadays more than 80% of production is directed to export to more than 50 countries worldwide. It also deals with the distribution of technical equipment for various fields of sience, research, industry and education.
Special software & hardware creation department
The main focus of the department is the development and production of software, supproting electronic and optical systems according to the customer's needs. For more information about our apps visit www.meranie.sk, www.dip.sk, www.lims.sk. numerous project have been implemented in this area. For example:
  • Expert systems for criminology - ballistics, graphic design, graphic diagnostics
  • LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System for Criminology
  • High-speed camera development based on AVT PIKE camera
  • Development of bearings measurement and control system
  • Development of a contactless measuring system for the measurement of roughness and corrugation of wood
  • The development of the AMS automatic measuring system to check the production of springs
  • Development of the AMS automatic measurement system for the manufacture of glass products for the pharmaceutical industry
  • LIMS for DNA laboratory
  • Expert systems for mineralogical analysis for the Ladce cement plant
  • Analysis of the wear of the mill mill in the cement mill Ladce
  • Evaluation of fiber spectra for forges purposes - Institute of Criminology Bratislava
  • Crane tracking and control project with a load capacity of 300t and accurate loading of the loads into the reactor
  • Control of laser scanning and engraving system
  • Measurement and evaluation of solid deformation
  • Vibration measurement and vibration analysis with the possibility of connecting any sensor element, including laser
  • Design, development and production of quality control systems, directly in the production process or in the control laboratory using optical and special technology
  • The system of measurement and evaluation of dust deposits and dimensional spectral analysis
  • Profilemetric inspection systems



ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 18001:2007
ISO 27001:2014